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Walter Kern's
100th Birthday Party

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Thanks to WB Ed Archbold

On Wednesday night November 23rd, 2005, we presented Walter M.D. Kern a birthday bash. Walter turned 100 years young on November 28th and we wanted to celebrate the occasion with him.

Birthday cake

Walter has been involved in the lodge, the Royal Arch and the Scottish Rite. He served as High Priest of Fidelity Chapter #49 Royal Arch at the age of 97! He received his 33 degree in the Scottish Rite in 1959. Walter is presently the second senior 33rd in NJ and the senior 33rd in the Valley of Northern New Jersey. As a member of the Valley of Jersey City, Walter served as Commander in Chief, the highest office in the Valley.

While active in these areas, the one regret he has is that work requirements kept him from being as active in the Blue Lodge as he would have liked. Notwithstanding, Walter makes most all stated communications of Fidelity Lodge and the Independence Day parade - no matter how hot and humid the day is! He begins each day exercising on his treadmill and rowing machine.

Walter is truly an exemplary man and Mason and it was an honor for us to be able to celebrate the 100th birthday of this truly remarkable man.

The man of the hour

The party was held at the Track Side Grill in Fair Lawn. Over thirty of his Masonic family attended the festivities.

Some of those honoring Brother Walter
Some of those honoring Brother Walter
Some of those honoring Brother Walter
Some of those honoring Brother Walter

Walter sure brought out the dignitaries! In this picture we have Walter's grandson Dwight sitting next to him and standing Gene Fricks, the Grand High Priest of NJ Royal Arch Masonry; MW Robert J. Sheridan, Grand Master of Masons for the state of New Jersey, WB Wayne Woogen, Worshipful Master of Fidelity Lodge and Ill. Bro. David Glattly, Past Active Member of the Supreme Council Northern Jurisdiction USA, AASR representing the Valley of Northern New Jersey.

Many Dignitaries

After dinner, Dorothy Myers, Worthy Matron of Ridgewood Chapter #39 OES; Wayne Woogen, Richard Burton, Ritual Instructor of the Second Masonic District, Gene Fricks, David Glattly and Robert Sheridan all spoke. MW Brother Sheridan also made a presentation to Walter.

Walter and Bob Sheridan
Walter Reading Plaque .

All too soon, it was time for the evening to end but the memories will linger. Walter was surprised by the turnout saying "all these people are here for me?" Yes Walter, they were all there for you. A man doesn't truly know the impact he makes on people until special occasions occur in our lives to demonstrate it.

Walter, Wayne and Bob

Congratulations Walter and many more!!!!!

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