thanks to WB Fred Van Dyk
Our stated communication for June 9 was to honor our 50, 55 and
60 year members. It was an official visit of our District Deputy
Grand Master Charles Hashagen who bestowed the tokens and certificates
from the Grand Lodge of NJ.
Following dinner and a short business meeting, the District Deputy
was received and commenced the program. This year the honorees
attending both received their 60 year wreaths. Shown here are
recipients Worshipful Brother Lewis Norris (left) who served as
Master in 1954 and Illustrious Brother Walter M.D. Kern 33°
Ill. Brother Kern was received in the East and presented with
his certificate and wreath. Here DDGM Charles Hashagen pins Bro
WB Norris was presented with his certificate and wreath. Here
RW Ed Archbold pins Bro. Norris.
Traditionally, the DDGM has the recipients assist him in closing
the lodge. In continuation of this tradition, we show WB Norris
and Ill Bro Kern assist RW Hashagen in closing the lodge.
Congratulations to two brothers who truly exemplify the meaning
of Masonry!