The next ten years, 1946 to 1955, represented a period of tremendous growth for Fidelity Lodge. During this period 322 new members were raised and an additional 43 joined us by affiliation. Almost every meeting was devoted to degree work. It is not possible to record all of the happenings in a history of this type so a few of the highlights have been selected. In the spring of 1951 a play "The Rusty Visiting Brother" was presented by the Metropolitan Masonic Study Club under the direction of W. Bro. Edward R. Cusick. This evening of rare Masonic instruction filled the Lodge to overflowing. Gold Token Night was held on June 8th and was a banner night in our Lodge. Tokens were presented to Bro. H. Van Brederode and H.G. Kraemer. A third brother, A. Paxson, was also eligible to receive a 50 year pin but was unable to attend. R.W. Bro. Adrian B. Hommell, Deputy Grand Master, invited all wearers of fifty year tokens to the East and 11 brothers responded, 5 members of Fidelity Lodge and 6 visitors. These thirteen brothers represented 650 years of Masonic membership. The September issue of "Masonic Information" formerly published quarterly by Grand Lodge recorded the event as follows:
Past Master Night, November 9, 1951, was another memorable evening. W. Bro. Eugene C. Rohrbach and our Past Masters made this evening that will long be remembered. One of the 5 candidates raised that evening was Bro. Fellowcraft Robert G. Roman, the son of W. Bro. David E. Roman. W. Bro. Roman conferred the first section of the degree and in the second section, for the third candidate, Robert Roman, W. Bro. Roman occupied the East, Arnold G. Roman occupied the West and Bro. Carl G. Roman occupied the South. At this point W. Bro. Rohrbach announced that this was a memorable occasion as Fidelity Lodge was now taken over by the Romans. On March 14, 1952, Gold Token Night was held honoring Bros. W.L. Vroom, E.B. Thornton and F.S. Perry. The M.W.G.M. Lewis M. Parker, presented the pins to the brothers and also to Bro. J.N. Hyslop of Manchester Lodge No. 75 of Connecticut. In the fall a new Hammond Organ was purchased to replace the old organ which had "seen better days." The funds used to buy the new organ were donated through the generosity of the brethren. The new organ was dedicated on October 10th. |