1922 to 1946
During the 25 year period following 1921, Fidelity's fortunes never waived.
Neither the great depression nor the second World War materially retarded
its growth or its financial stability. It experienced a concentrated increase
in membership immediately after both World Wars. In 1921 fifty candidates
were raised. In 1946 a single trestleboard listed 40 candidates awaiting
reports and the various degrees.
Bateman Memorial Fund
In 1923 while W. Bro. William I. Bateman was Master, a member of Fidelity
died leaving a son who was within a few months of completing his four
year college course. The Master's investigation disclosed that, without
assistance, this young man would be unable to complete his education.
The situation was laid before the Lodge and money was raised. The boy
stayed at school.
This incident inspired W. Bro. Bateman with the idea of establishing
a permanent fund in Fidelity for student aid. He wrote to Grand Master
who approved and sanctioned the plan. A resolution recommending that Fidelity
establish an educational fund was voted. The committee of establishment
was made up of W. Bro. Herbert Talbot, Chairman, and Brothers Percy Delamater,
Bernard Forster, Robert Tennant and Edgar Wandless. The fund was first
incorporated as "The Student Aid Fund of Fidelity Lodge." W.
Bro. Bateman died in April 1926, and in commemoration of his sponsorship
of the plan, the name was changed to "The Bateman Memorial Education
Fund of Fidelity Lodge."
This fund has been ably administered by its officers and 27 sons and
daughters of Masons in the Ridgewood area have substantially aided in
completing their educations. The aid is made in the form of loans which
the recipients repay after graduation as their circumstances permit. None
of these loans has ever had to be written off as uncollectable.
During the years immediately following World War I, Fidelity Lodge grew
so fast that attendance at its meetings often filled the lodge room to
capacity. Other lodges over the state began to build new temples. Organizations,
such as the YMCA, began erecting new buildings. Fidelity's trustees gave
thoughtful and careful consideration to the problem of ultimately erecting
a temple for Fidelity. Their conclusion was that the Lodge could not afford
to go into debt for so great an amount of money as would be required to
buy land, erect and maintain an adequate building for a temple. Their
recommendation to the Lodge was that an investment of $7,500 be made for
a plot of land located on the southeast corner of N. Maple Avenue and
Linwood Avenue. The Lodge approved and on October 25, 1924, just eight
months after 99 South Maple Avenue became free and clear, Fidelity took
title to this lot. Meanwhile Lodge business slackened and this lessened
the strain on the Lodge hall.
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