MSA Mark Twain Award Winner - 2012
Fidelity Lodge #113 F&AM

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The following brethren from Fidelity Lodge have served the Grand Lodge of New Jersey:

John M. Knapp 1872: Committee of Finance
1874: Grand Representative of Rhode Island
Harold J.F. White 1916: Senior Grand Steward
William C. Thompson 1924: District Deputy Grand Master - 2nd Masonic District
Rev. Edwin S. Carson 1928: Grand Chaplain
Henry E. Gust 1936: Grand Chaplain
David E. Roman 1970: Constitutions and By-Laws Committee
Thomas O. Lester 1970: Grand Chaplain
Robert Lobeck 1977 - 82: District Deputy Grand Master - 2nd Masonic District
Everett L. Labagh 1982: Grand Chaplain
Edward W. Archbold 1988: Grand Chaplain
K. William Cronyn 1992: Grand Chaplain
Michael Firkser 2010: Grand Chaplain
2013: District Ritual Instructor - 2nd Masonic District
2014 - 2016: District Deputy Grand Master - 2nd Masonic District
Roy Simpadian

2013: Grand Chaplain
2014 - 2019: District Ritual Instructor - 2nd Masonic District
2020 - present: District Deputy Grand Master - 2nd Masonic District

Frank Williams 2018:Grand Chaplain
2020: Grand Chancellor
Larry Williams 2020: Grand Chaplain


INTRO/CONTENTS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
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